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Thank you for thinking of Charlie’s Place for your charitable contributions. We are grateful for the support of generous individuals, businesses, and churches who support our mission.


Your donation today will help us better serve our guests experiencing homelessness with a hot meal, case management, healthcare, yoga, clothing closet, all served with kindness and respect.


Donations can be made to Charlie’s Place online at Network For Good and through our partner, The Catalogue for Philanthropy. You can also mail checks to Charlie’s Place at 1830 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington DC, 20009. To get more information on planned giving, matching gifts, donating stocks, bonds or other appreciated assets, please contact Ellen Silva at


Give one time, or be a sustaining donor and give monthly throughout the year.

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Charlie’s Place is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your donations may be tax-deductible. Federal Tax ID (EIN 53-0196486). If you would like a Thank You note with the estimated value of your donation, please fill out the form below.


Below is a list of in-kind donations that are especially helpful for our guests. You can also find in-kind donations for guests, and those that help Charlie's Place operate, on our amazon wishlist. Donation drop-offs are welcome Monday-Friday between 9am and 3pm.

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We kindly ask that donations of clothing, blankets, and backpacks new or gently used and laundered before donating, if possible. Because our staff's time is prioritized for direct service to our guests, we appreciate and prefer presorted donations.


Winter Needs (Unisex):

  • Coats

  • Sweatshirts, hoodies, raincoats, and jackets  

  • Hats

  • Gloves

  • Insulated underwear


Summer Needs (Unisex):

  • Lightweight jackets, lightweight rain jackets

  • Short sleeve tee shirts

  • Lightweight pants

  • Baseball caps

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Men's Clothing:

  • Jeans, pants, and shorts (sizes 28-32 in high demand)

  • Shirts (long sleeve/tee shirts)

  • Sweatshirts, hoodies, raincoats, and jackets

  • Shoes (Work boots, sneakers, sizes 8-12 are in high demand)

  • Insulated underwear

  • Socks and Belts


Women's Clothing: 

  • Jeans, pants, capris, and shorts

  • Yoga pants and leggings

  • Shirts (long sleeve/tee shirts, dark colors, shirts with no writing, oversized shirts)

  • Sports bras (M-XXL)

  • Sneakers

  • Baseball caps

Charlie’s Place is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Your donations are tax-deductible. Federal Tax ID (EIN 53-0196486). If you would like a Thank You note with the estimated value of your donation, please fill out the form below. If you have any questions, contact Ellen Silva at

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